Division C: Education, Outreach and Heritage

August 24 and 27, 2018



John B. Hearnshaw - University of Canterbury - Christchurch (New Zealand)


Abstract list for Div.C
Poster list for Div.C

Friday, 24. Aug.

room: F2
10:30 - Hearnshaw, John (IAU Division C: Education, outreach and heritage – a review of the division’s activities 2015-18)
10:45 - Deustua, Susana (Astronomy Education, Outreach and Heritage: The Next Triennium)
11:00 - Pasachoff, Jay (Report of the IAU Working Group on Solar Eclipses)
11:15 - Mamajek, Eric (Working Group on Star Names (WGSN))
11:30 - Poster papers: all presenters of posters should be close to their posters and prepared to answer questions from participants.

Communicating astronomy with the public
room: F2
13:30 - Russo, Pedro (The first 3 years of C.C2)
13:40 - Cheung, Sze-leung (The CAPjournal)
13:50 - Sandu, Oana (The CAP Conference)
14:00 - Fienberg, Rick (Outreach & Professionalisation)
14:10 - Lars Lindberg Christensen (Public Outreach & Information Management)
14:20 - Entradas, Marta (Science Communication Research & Science Communication)
14:30 - Rivero Gonzalez, Jorge (IAU100: Communication Strategy to Disseminate the IAU's 100th Anniversary Message Globally)
14:40 - Fienberg, Rick (Message by new C2 President)

Astronomy education and development
room: F2
15:30 - Derek McNally (The value of practical classes in Astronomy Education)
15:40 - Deustua, Susana (Astronomy Education: an astronomer's view)
15:50 - Govender, Kevin (The OAD and Commission C.C1)
16:00 - Pasachoff, Jay (Eclipses in education)
16:10 - Cheung, Sze-leung (Updates from IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach)
16:15 - Russo, Pedro (Communicating astronomy with the public)
16:20 - Primas, Francesca (Women in astronomy: challenges and actions)
16:40 - Elmegreen, Debra (IAU Strategic Plan: the Office of Astronomy for Education)
16:50 - Bretones, Paulo (WG Research on Astronomy Education)
16:55 - Rosa Ros (WG Network for Astronomy School Education)
17:00 - Ortiz-Gil, Amelia (WG Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion)
17:05 - Walker, Constance (WG Achieving Sustainable Development within a Quality Lighting Framework)
17:10 - Gargaud, Muriel (WG Education and Training in Astrobiology)
17:15 - Cui, Chenzhou (WG Data Driven Astronomy Education and Public Outreach)
17:20 - Eastwood, Kathy (Discussion of C.C1 Newsletter)
17:25 - Round table discussion and Conclusions (Chair: Chris Impey)
Main topics to discuss:
  1. Involving more young educators in the Commission.
  2. Ways to share instructional materials and best practices.
  3. How to start an international journal on astronomy education (taking into account different languages)?
  4. How to find AE researchers in many countries and join the community?
  5. How to increase the surveys of publications in many countries and languages?
  6. How to increase astronomy contents in the schools worldwide?
  7. Our participation in the LP control at a Global scale.
  8. The impact of the activities on Astronomy for equity and inclusion.
  9. The integrated education in Astronomy, taking into account not only the discipline itself (Physics, Maths), but also Biology, Chemistry, History, Philosophy and Pedagogy.
  10. The way to communicate our job to the professional astronomers, the Newsletter.


Monday, 27. Aug.

room: F2
10:30 - Olande, Paul (Astronomy and Indigenous Technologies in Africa)
10:40 - Renchin, Tsolmon (Astronomical Education and outreach activities for astronomy in Mongolia)
10:50 - Perkins, Deborah Kala (The Universe Isn’t Silent: Electroacoustic Ensembles with Life 2.0)
11:00 - Stavinschi, Magda (IAU - A century of science and spirituality around the world)
11:10 - Perumal, Vyjayanthi Mala (STEM for women)
11:20 - Kapoor, Ramesh (Astronomy from Europe to the East: A passage through India in the early 17th century)
11:30 - Poster papers: all presenters of posters should be close to their posters and prepared to answer questions from participants.

History of Astronomy
room: F2
13:30 - Wang, Guangchao (Chinese efforts to determine the solar model in the eighteenth century: the case of the Lixiang kaocheng)
14:00 - Shrestha, Pritisha (Sun, solstice and Makar Sankranti: an astronomical significance in our cultural practice)
14:15 - Marchetti, Lucia (‘Hemelliggaam Or the Attempt To Be Here Now’: an art-meets-science project inspired by the history of astronomy in South Africa)
14:30 - Hoffmann, Susanne (Analysing and visualising MUL.APIN – a witness of Babylonian astrometry)
14:45 - Gullberg, Steven (Report from the WG for Archaeo-astronomy and Astronomy in Culture)

World Heritage and Astronomy
room: F2
15:30 - Ruggles, Clive (The AWHI comes of age: three potential astronomical World Heritage sites for 2019)
15:50 - Wolfschmidt, Gudrun (Observatories 100 years ago—UNESCO v. IAU list of Outstanding Astronomical Heritage)
16:10 - Belmonte, Juan Antonio (Land- and skyscape within the Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative: Spanish case studies)
16:20 - Hamacher, Duane (The future of UNESCO and intangible astronomical heritage)
16:30 - Marov, Mikhail (The heritage of space exploration)
16:40 - Wuchterl, Günther (Starlight and World Heritage)
16:50 - López, Alejandro Martín (Astronomical heritage in danger)


John B. Hearnshaw




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