Due to the high demand, registration for volunteers is closed!
The Organizing Committees of the IAU General Assembly 2018 in Vienna invite foreign astronomers such as students finishing a master thesis, PhD students or young postdocs to voluteer as assistants during the various scientific meetings.
You will benefit on this largest gathering of international astronomers from
- free entrance to the conference venue and to the full 2-weeks GA,
- getting the registration fee waived for all conferences hosted at the GA,
- meeting with young and senior astronomers,
- personal contacts to experts in different fields,
- participating in multiple scientific meetings, in particular in those close to the own research field, with the option of presenting own results,
- experiencing the atmosphere of scientific meetings with research talks and posters and their lively discussions,
- being informed on the latest progress in different research directions in astronomy,
- getting access to companies and institutions for the further job career,
- a lump-sum of 500-700 EUR as a financial support of travel and local expenses, payable in cash at the end of the GA (on Saturday, Sept. 1st, 2018).
What are your tasks during the GA:
- assistance at one conference (Symposium, Focus Meeting, Division Days) or plenary talks to a maximum of 15 hours + 15 min at each session for starting and closing,
- show up for a briefing and distribution of tasks: Sunday, August 19th, 2018
- leave not before Saturday, September 1st, 2018
If you are interested in participating as a volunteer please contact: iau.ga2018.staff@univie.ac.at
Please provide the following information:
- Full name
- Contact information (e-mail, phone)
- Affiliation
- Topic of research interest
- State of research work: Master theses, doctoral study, postdoc (date of PhD exam)
- Specify preferred meeting(s)