Claus Leitherer - Space Telescope Science Inst - Baltimore (USA)
Abstract list for Div.J
Poster list for Div.J
Friday, 24. Aug.
Session 1 room: C | 10:30 - Welcome and Division matters 10:45 - Pacucci, Fabio (Ph. D. Prize talk: The First Black Holes in the Cosmic Dark Ages) 11:15 - Gronke, Max (Ph. D. Prize talk: A Talk of Ice and Fire: Cold Gas Growth, Survival, and Entrainment in Hot Environments) 11:45 - DD Poster summary I |
Build-Up of Galaxy Clusters: Properties - Part I room: C | 13:30 - 15:00 each talk 12 min. Poster summary I |
Build-Up of Galaxy Clusters: Environment room: C | 15:30 - 17:00 each talk 12 min. Afonso, Ana (Optical rest-frame spectroscopy to study the filaments and galaxy clusters outskirts at z~1) Perez Martinez, Jose Manuel (Cluster star formation probed with scaling relations) Skelton, Rosalind (Galaxy mergers in intermediate redshift clusters) Vaughan, Sam (K-CLASH: The field and cluster environment at the epoch of the build-up of the red sequence) Böhm, Asmus (On the turbulent life of disk galaxies in distant clusters) Aretxaga, Itziar (TolTEC extragalactic surveys of cluster and protocluster environments) |
Build-Up of Galaxy Clusters: Searches room: C | 17:00 - 18:30 each talk 12 min. Saha, Ripon (Identifying Distant Galaxy Clusters Using Dust-obscured galaxies as Signposts at Redshift > 1.3) Clements, David (Herschel-Planck Clusters - Protoclusters in the far-IR) Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín (Tracing Protoclusters with Submillimeter Galaxies) Gómez-Guijarro, Carlos (Confirming Herschel candidate proto-clusters from CO ALMA/VLA observations) Toshikawa, Jun (A systematic search for protoclusters at z~4 based on the >100deg^2 area) Higuchi, Ryo (Subaru/HSC Identifications of 42 Protocluster Candidates at z~6-7: Implications for Cosmic Reionization) |
Monday, 27. Aug.
Session 5 room: C | 10:30 - DD Poster summary II 10:45 - Meeting of Commission J1 |
Build-Up of Galaxy Clusters: Properties - Part II room: C | 13:30 - 15:00 each talk 12 min. Poster summary II |
Build-Up of Galaxy Clusters: Cold Interstellar Medium room: C | 15:30 - 17:00 each talk 12 min. Rodriguez-Munoz, Lucia (Quantifying the suppression of the (un)-obscured star formation in galaxy cluster cores at 0.2 < z < 0.9) Castignani, Gianluca (Molecular gas in two companion cluster galaxies at z = 1.2) Brodwin, Mark (Epoch of Merger-Driven Star Formation and AGN in High Redshift Clusters) Lee, Minju (Cold gas in protoclusters : star formation efficiency and gas kinematics of star forming galaxies in z=2.5 protocluster) Hayashi, Masao (Molecular gas reservoirs of galaxies in a galxy cluser at z=1.46) Zavala, Jorge (Studying the star formation activity in two massive proto-clusters at z>2) Umehata, Hideki (ALMA deep survey in a z=3.1 proto-cluster field) |
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